Reasons Men Need to Boost Their Testosterone


Testosterone supplementation is a popular topic in health-care today. It seems as though you can’t open a magazine, watch TV or go online without some advertisement about boosting a man’s testosterone. Granted, optimizing a man’s testosterone level provides many benefits but is it really necessary?

As men age their production of testosterone decreases. Typically, men will begin losing levels of testosterone after age 30. On average a man will lose 1-2% of their testosterone production per year after age 30. This may seem small; however, consider a man that is 50 years old, his testosterone level has dropped as much as 40%.

Cardiovascular/Heart Health

Blood vessels and heart muscle cells have receptors that latch on to testosterone. Men who undergo androgen-deprivation therapy develop abnormally stiff arteries. In men with atherosclerosis and normal testosterone levels, short-term treatment with testosterone improves vascular reactivity and blood flow. [1] Problems with blood flow can cause serious problems and can lead to a cardiovascular event. Testosterone came onto the market in 1946 and over the past 75 years, many studies are supporting the benefits of testosterone. Testosterone is used to increase and optimize hormone levels in men’s and women’s bodies. Studies have shown a direct relationship between low testosterone levels and an increase in cardiovascular events.

Higher Energy Levels

Many men experience fatigue and low levels of energy as they age. The cause of this fatigue and low levels of energy are likely multifactorial. Our western society is hectic and busy from sun-up to sun-down. We have to remember that loss of energy and fatigue may be an indication of suboptimal hormone levels. When women go through menopause the change can be fast, sudden and in a matter of 1-3 years, her hormone levels are at greatly reduced levels. These fluctuations produce both emotional and physical changes. Men are no different except the descent of their hormones, mainly testosterone is more insidious. This decrease is much more slowly than women’s but nonetheless just as life-changing.

Energy levels drop and men complain more about “losing their edge” and losing that “pep in their step.” And with many, for the first time in their lives, men will feel fatigued. They once had greater amounts of stamina and could be a “weekend warrior” without much difficulty. Now they are feeling more aches and pains and having much longer recovery times. Many of my patients have told me they feel as though someone has “sucked out all their energy” and they feel completely drained.

Testosterone optimization helps with their energy, stamina, and fatigue. “If you have abnormally low testosterone, boosting your testosterone levels with testosterone can help bring your energy levels back to normal.” [2]

Maintain Muscle Mass

As men age, they lose muscle mass. The medical term for this is sarcopenia and contributes to the “normal” course of aging. Men typically lose about 3-5% of muscle mass each decade. “Most men will lose about 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetimes. Less muscle means greater weakness and less mobility, both of which may increase your risk of falls and fractures.” [3] Studies indicate that testosterone will help build muscle and can prevent muscle loss and wasting. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid meaning it “builds” muscle. We have all seen men in their 40s and 50s that are strong and as they age, we notice skeletal changes that happen. They get frailer and hunch over more as they age. Lower body muscle mass contributes to this. Men who optimize their testosterone have lower decreases in muscle mass.

Increased Libido

Optimizing your testosterone increases your libido. In men, testosterone is the main hormone linked to your libido. This results in increased sexual desire as well as stronger firmer erections. Studies have shown that men with a decreased or lower libido can benefit from supplementation of testosterone. “Some studies have shown testosterone affects the nerves and skeletal muscles involved in erections.” [4]

Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men and controls many functions. “Low testosterone can lower your ability to have satisfying sex. A Lack of sexual drive and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that can result from low testosterone.” [5] Optimizing a man’s testosterone levels can help not only increase your libido but produce greater intimacy.

Helps your Mood

I have treated many men with mild to moderate depression. Many of them have not responded well to antidepressants. I have tried many of them on multiple popular SSRI’s as well as other antidepressants without much success. Once I obtain their testosterone levels and optimize their levels, many of them respond quite well. Most of them also respond quite well with only a minimal dose of testosterone. “Low testosterone levels can leave men feeling less energetic, less self-assured, and less manly. [6] Replenishing a man’s testosterone brings his levels into the range where his mood used to be.

Boosting your Testosterone can Optimize your life

We discussed only five of many of the benefits of boosting your testosterone. There are many other reasons to optimize your testosterone levels. Today, we drive cars and SUVs that require upkeep and maintenance. Our bodies are even more important. As our vehicles age and become older models, they require more attention and replacement parts. The same is similar to our bodies. As we age, we don’t produce the level of hormones that we once did. If we are low, it’s simple, we replace them. If you want to feel better, have more energy, increase your libido, retain and grow muscle mass all while feeling better with a better mood then click here for more information on Optimizing your Testosterone Levels.


  1.,with%20testosterone%20improves%20vascular%20reactivity%20and%20blood%20flow. Published March 2010
  4. Rouzier, Neal “How to achieve health aging,” p.98

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